Chicken Stock

Chicken Stock

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My boy is a sucker for soup. He loves nilaga, sinigang, and tom yum soup; even soupy adobo. He would pour it all over his rice and eat with gusto. And I’m a sucker for saving scraps. What I buy, I cook; I hate buying ingredients and not using at all. And so I always try to make my own stock with vegetable and herb trimmings. Sometimes I add stock I used to boil vegetables or pasta or pork and beef. Great to make flavorful soup for chicken sopas, misua, sotanghon or any noodle soup. Whatever it is I decide to cook, the boy would always come out of his room and say “Oh I know what that is, my favorite!  And I don’t need to call him or ring my fancy elephant bell for dinner.


Chicken Stock
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 4
  • 2 chicken carcasses
  • A slab or 2 of chicken liver (optional)
  • 1 large onion, peeled
  • ½ head of garlic, peeled
  • 1 carrot, diced
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • Vegetable and herb trimmings (photo above shows pechay and onion spring ends/stalks)
  • Herbs (like parsley, celery and thyme)
  • Peppercorns
  • Salt
  1. Place chicken carcasses in a large pot with water. Bring to boil and skim.
  2. Add onion, garlic, carrots, bay leaves, peppercorns, herbs and vegetables trimmings. Bring to boil and then turn down heat to simmer.
  3. Sometimes I use the meat from 1 of the chicken carcasses and so I take out 1 after 30 minutes, cool down a bit, take the meat off and bring the bones back to the stock.
  4. Simmer gently for 2 to 3 hours, adding water when necessary and don’t forget to add salt to taste. Remove scum regularly.
  5. When done, pass stock through a sieve and discard bones, veggies, and all. Use right away or allow to cool, and refrigerate. Use within 2-4 days or divide into several containers and freeze to use within 2 months.
If you want to have slices of liver on your soup later on, add the liver and simmer for about 3 minutes, then scoop out. Slice thinly. Not yet cooked through, throw back into the stock and continue to simmer for another couple of minutes or until you are confident they looked cooked enough for you. Scoop them out and reserve.


Use it in your casserole dishes (homemade is always the best!) or just plain stock to your favorite soup dish. Oh there are so many ways….

Sotanghon soup

Misua soup

Chicken sopas
chicken sopas

Udon soup
Udon soup

Sotanghon soup with liver toppings

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I am not a professional cook. My only claim to having a culinary background is a short stint as my dad’s teen ‘sous chef’ in his carinderia ages ago. Dad ran small eateries since I was a young kid - serving standard ‘turo-turo’ food ranging from the likes of menudo, adobo, pritong isda, dinuguan, binagoongan, bopis, munggo, pinakbet and giniling to merienda fares like goto, ginataan, pancit bihon, halu-halo and saging con yelo.

My father, a farmer in his hometown before working his way to becoming an accountant, definitely influenced my cooking in a lot of ways than I thought. My siblings and I were raised in a backyard full of fruit trees and vegetable garden. We spent weekends and the summer breaks running around with ducks, chickens, goats and pigs. I had wonderful memories of gathering eggs, butchering chickens, selling vegetables and the sweet aroma of preserved fruits. But my love for art led me to a degree in Architecture. Just few months after getting my license, I went abroad and lived independently at age 23. Definitely no maid, no cook, and a totally different food culture. Along the way I met lots of friends and spent what seemed a lifetime learning new tricks and recipes.

Now living in Auckland, I am a work-from-home mum who juggles time between work, fun and family - in pursuit of work-life balance. No matter how busy I am, I love the idea of cooking for my family. My blog chronicles home cooking greatly influenced by life outside my home country from Southeast Asia to Beijing and Auckland. And most of the time, being busy also means easy (sometimes quick), affordable meals.

7 thoughts on “Chicken Stock

  1. Hi Iska, these are lovely and delicious soups. I’ll have to try one of these as it’s getting colder here every day.

    About the magnanakaw. I reported the page by clicking on REPORT button, then click on infringement of property. The post he stole from me was deleted by facebook 12 hours after I reported it. I provided the facebook page URL and my post’s URL and they determined it was improperly posted on facebook. It was really fast and I was told by FB that in the US everything we publish is automatically copyrighted and that probably made them act on it right away. The blogspot posts, he has at least 6 of mine, are more complicated to report. I left tons of comments on his newer blogspot posts to let his visitors know he is a fraud and an impostor calling himself kusinero. I know he will delete them before his followers are able to read them but at least I tried. I suggest you do the same. Comment on all the posts he stole from you. We have to stop his criminal activities.
    .-= Oggi’s last blog ..Thou Shalt Not Steal Blog Posts and Photos =-.

  2. Iska,

    His blog is gone, removed by blogger 2 hours after I reported the theft. The ones on his facebook not linked to blogspot unfortunately are still there. I’m going to review them one more time. I might have missed a post.:)

    1. Hi Oggi, thank you for being vigilant and it’s really great news to hear something has happened. Unfortunately some of my work are still in his FB page. Sana magawan na din ng paraan. A total of 20 posts he stole from me!

  3. ang sarap ng mga soup na luto mo…… the pictures are very much nakakagutom!!!!!!!!!!

    keep up the good works…….

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