Lasang Pinoy 4.5 – Pork Steak and No to Plagiarism

How did Lasang Pinoy evolve into this ‘beyond Yemagate special edition’? Check it out here. History is here and there. I guess some of the parties involved already knew where I stand in this matter so I’d rather not talk more about it. The bottom line is that I joined LP4.5 (even brainstormed a bit) to support people with such deep love for culture. Four LP events and I have already learned a great deal. A lot more to go, a lot more to learn.

What to say about borrowing someone else’s photo? Like Stef said, ‘the best way is always to ask first and get that person’s permission, which more often than not will be granted.’ Sassy even checked whether she has another photo of the same dish for me to borrow!
Why Pinoy Cook’s photo? Ok, now I have to disclose this. Before I started foodblogging I’ve been struggling to remember dishes that I used to prepare years ago (mahirap masanay ng may tagaluto) and as I am always open to new ones I began searching for recipes on the internet. Mr. A (he’s shy he prefers not to be mentioned) was the one who actually found her site. It must be his way of telling me what to cook (and how it should be done hahahaha). Also, every time I google I always end up reading a recipe from Sassy, the Pinoy Cook.

Why pork steak? Though I am always trying to make any vegetable dish as attractive and delectable as possible to the 2 guys (1 big, 1 small) in my life, here is a dish that has always been a hit. (Is it a case of hereditary preference for meat or just the male hormones?) We just had our medical check-up and good thing we are healthy as bulls so it’s about time to go devour sinfully delicious taba ng baboy.

So do check out her recipe and below is how I did mine. The way I cooked my pork steak is almost similar to the way Sassy did except that I used lemon juice and no Worcestershire sauce.

Continue reading “Lasang Pinoy 4.5 – Pork Steak and No to Plagiarism”

Pork Steak

Normally, it’s beef but since I don’t have it inside our ref, pork is as good. This isn’t something like any western steak. I’m not an expert cook & my knowledge w/ regards to the history of our native dish is also limited but I guess this really is an original. Very little outside influence because of its main ingredient… kalamansi or native lemon. But you won’t find one in Beijing so I opted for lemon. I’m not sure if anybody used it before but I got the idea when we went to an English bar w/c serves our native food. I definitely think they used lemon. Anyways, you won’t really know the difference (or just so I think because I have no choice) & the taste is just superb.

Continue reading “Pork Steak”