By this time, I’ve already moved 3x! Anyways, just scroll down to read more about the recipe!
Welcome to my new site! I got the idea from Mike (thanks to u) who few days ago moved his blog. Just bear w/ me ’cause I’m not yet done w/ customization & everything. Right now you may find links to the Lasang Pinoy Food Events, a page dedicated to pinoy food bloggers and another one that shows random feeds from their RSS/Atom enabled sites. i know that my list isn’t complete, I am still new in this blog world, so anybody out there I missed out pls let me know, email me. I would also like to invite you pinoy bloggers out there to join the 3rd Lasang Pinoy event about pinoy street food. You may also find in the sidebar a poll related to it. Everybody is welcome to participate!
Back to my food blogging…

I guess the way to start this site is to blog about the Filipino curry that I’ve always loved. I never liked the Indian curry in some southeast asian countries but I’ve learned to love the nyonya version. I even like it spicy. Moreover, the Beijing counterpart is very much similar to ours. But what’s embarrassing for me is that I’ve experimented on this recipe only recently. This isn’t a dish common in our dining table and recipes online vary so I just decide which ingredient to add or omit and my version ended up w/ tomatoes & ginger & green bell pepper. Anyways, it turned out quite good that my sister, who just visited me here in Beijing for 3 weeks, said she’s gonna tell mom & dad how good my cooking is nowadays.
Continue reading “Chicken & Pork Curry”