What else am I going to miss? Corned beef. When Ate (my sis) was here autumn last year, I told her we couldn’t find corned beef in Beijing so she gave me some in packets to bring back here. Now we’ve finished the last packet. Sobs! On the other hand, one can always prepare his/her corned beef. I may do that some other time…
What is it about Philippine brand corned beef? Purefoods, swifts, argentina, even rodeo (do we still have it?), you name it. They’re really great especially the chunky ones (or I just miss the taste of it). Not even those imported brands from the mideast, NZ and or even from down under can compare. That’s just my opinion of course and I think I should try those from the US and Ireland…
… other Irish people feel that Corned Beef and cabbage is about as Irish as Spaghetti and meatballs. That beef was a real delicacy usually served only to the kings.
I normally cook corned beef 2 ways and serve them one time – 1 sauteed and another 1 soupy w/ potatoes. Check it out…
1 can (or 1 packet) of corned beef
1 tbsp of chopped garlic
1 small onion (half chopped, half cut into rings)
1 medium size potato, cut into small cubes
soy sauce
salt & pepper
1 tbsp of ketsup (surprised? got this a long time ago from Joji & the taste is just fabulous!)
Saute the garlic in as little oil as possible until golden brown. Add the chopped onions and saute for a couple of minutes. Then add the corned beef, a tbsp of soy sauce, a dash of salt & pepper and a tbsp of ketsup. Cook for about 3-5 minutes. Set aside in a platter topped with raw onion rings. (Yeah i know, the picture above doesn’t show onion rings.)
Scoop about 3 tbsp of the cooked corned beef and put them back into your cooking pan. Add 2-3 cups of water and bring to boil. Season to taste. Add the potatoes and cook until done. Serve hot w/ the sauteed corned beef or enjoy a meal of corsilog – corned beef served w/ sinangag at itlog (fried rice as shown above and egg – missing from my photo).
will try that bit with ketchup… sounds interesting. will microwave one now…